Hardware Setup
Simply lift the FFC connector flap up and insert the cable with contact face down

Software Setup
Please update the firmware to V6 from the CPU support page, the LCD can be activate by adding/replacing the following setting in the configuration file in your SD card.
# Panel See http://smoothieware.org/panel
panel.enable true # set to true to enable the panel code
# Example viki2 config for Re-ARM with IDC cable
panel.lcd viki2 # set type of panel
panel.spi_channel 0 # set spi channel to use P0_18,P0_15 MOSI,SCLK
panel.spi_cs_pin 0.16 # set spi chip select
panel.spi_frequency 200000
panel.encoder_a_pin 3.26!^ # encoder pin
panel.encoder_b_pin 3.25!^ # encoder pin
panel.click_button_pin 2.11!^ # click button
panel.a0_pin 2.6 # st7565 needs an a0
panel.contrast 4 # override contrast setting (default is 9)
panel.encoder_resolution 4 # override number of clicks to move 1 item (default is 4)
panel.pause_button_enable true
#panel.button_pause_pin 1.22!^ # kill/pause set one of these for the auxilliary button on viki2
panel.back_button_pin 1.22!^ # back button recommended to use this on EXP1
panel.buzz_pin 0.25 # pin for buzzer on EXP2
panel.red_led_pin 2.8 # pin for red led on viki2 on EXP1
panel.blue_led_pin 4.29 # pin for blue led on viki2 on EXP1
panel.external_sd true # set to true if there is an extrernal sdcard on the panel
panel.external_sd.spi_channel 0 # set spi channel the sdcard is on
panel.external_sd.spi_cs_pin 1.23 # set spi chip select for the sdcard
panel.external_sd.sdcd_pin 1.31!^ # sd detect signal (set to nc if no sdcard detect)
panel.menu_offset 0 # some panels will need 1 here
panel.reverse false # reverse the lcd
## Custom menus : Example of a custom menu entry, which will show up in the Custom entry.
# NOTE _ gets converted to space in the menu and commands, | is used to separate multiple commands
custom_menu.power_on.enable true #
custom_menu.power_on.name Power_on #
custom_menu.power_on.command M80 #
custom_menu.power_off.enable true #
custom_menu.power_off.name Power_off #
custom_menu.power_off.command M81 #
custom_menu.fan_on.enable true #
custom_menu.fan_on.name Fan_on #
custom_menu.fan_on.command M106_P0_S255 #
custom_menu.fan_off.enable true #
custom_menu.fan_off.name Fan_off #
custom_menu.fan_off.command M107_P0 #
custom_menu.Suspend.enable true #
custom_menu.Suspend.name Suspend #
custom_menu.Suspend.command M600 #
custom_menu.Resume.enable true #
custom_menu.Resume.name Resume #
custom_menu.Resume.command M601 #