Hardware Setup
Simply unplug the existing stock CPU and replace with the tinyfab​ CPU, the pin number should be inline with the main board pin marking

for tinyfab CPU version V3R3 and above, there is support to connects external thermistor and tinyfab heatbed driver. The connection is shown in the below photo.

Example Config for the underside heatbed
temperature_control.bed.enable true # Whether to activate this ( "hotend" ) module at all.
temperature_control.bed.thermistor_pin 0.26 # Pin for the thermistor to read
temperature_control.bed.heater_pin 0.4 # Pin that controls the heater
temperature_control.bed.beta 3950 # Or set the beta value
temperature_control.bed.set_m_code 140 # M-code to set the temperature for this module
temperature_control.bed.set_and_wait_m_code 190 # M-code to set-and-wait for this module
temperature_control.bed.designator B # Designator letter for this module
temperature_control.bed.bang_bang false # set to true to use bang bang control rather than PID
temperature_control.bed.hysteresis 2.0 # set to the temperature in degrees C to use as hysteresis
End stops (MK2 only)
Unfortunately the cetus MK2 does not comes with any mechanical end stop therefor it is required to install them for the smoothieware to function properly. Please download the plastic parts below for mounting the end switch.
x-axis (plate)
unscrew the stepper motor so you can slide the T nut in, so you can secure the housing for the switch shown below.

y-axis (extruder)
un-mount the arm by the 3 screws, unscrew the stepper motor so the drive belt becomes slack

carefully slide the extruder to the edge so you can see the belt screw, replace the existing mount with the extended one.

screw the endstop in as shown, then reassemble the arm.

Just replace the existing cap with the new one, it is fixed by 2 screws on the guide rail

plug in all the end-stop wire directly to the main board

Config files for tinyfab CPU
Installation instruction:​
If you have an existing config please make a backup of your axis settings.
extract the correct config file for your printer.
rename the xxxxx_config file to "config", and edit the axis parameters in the file for your printer.
transfer the config file to the root directory on your printer SD card, via USB or card reader.
power cycle your printer the new setting will take effect.
Firmware Update :
save the .bin file to the root diectory of the SD card.
rename the file to firmware.bin.
power cycle your printer the status LED on the CPU will flash a few times after that the LED will turn off.
if update successful the firmware fill will be renamed to FIRMWARE.CUR automatically.
Software Setup and Calibration
Setting up for the first time​
Download the correct config file from the download link above.
To calibrate Z axis:-
Using any GCODE capable software send "G28 Z" to home your Z axis, this will move the extruder to the maximum height end stop. The z position is now the value defined in your config file setting "gamma_max". (WARNING: if the extruder is not moving towards the end switch switch off the printer immediately)
Send "G90" to tell your printer to use absolute position.
Move the z axis so that the extruder just about half way to the print surface using "G1 Z100 F2000", then work your way down to the print surface by lowering the Z value.
When you have got the extruder to just touch your print bed, using the gamma_max value subtract the Z value you just entered. The result will be your actual Z height and this will be your new gamma_max value.
Change the config gamma_max value and restart the printer. Next time after you home the z axis if you send G1 Z0 F2000 will move your extruder to the print surface.
To calibrate X/Y axis:-
Using any GCODE capable software send "G28 X" or "G28 Y" to home your axis, this will move the extruder towards the end stop.
NOTE: when using repetier-host please use ping-pong communication setting to ensure a valid ACK is received for each command.
IMPORTANT: If the extruder is not homing towards the end switch. Please change the "alpha_dir_pin" , "beta_dir_pin", or "gamma_dir_pin" value to include or remove the "!" after the pin number.
For more setting detail please see http://smoothieware.org
Wifi version only
Connecting to wifi
The wifi version has a ESP8266 module onboard, the module is preprogrammed with ESP3D courtesy of Luc https://github.com/luc-github .
The module support 2 modes AP mode and Client mode
To Use the wifi in AP mode (default)
Find the module access point named ESP3D, Connect it using default password 12345678
Open a web browser, it should redirect you to the main web GUI, it failed access the web GUI using from the address bar.
Client station mode
You can set the wifi module to connect to your own network. to do this enter the ESP3D setup page from the top tab and change wifi ode to Client Station, click set.
Click the magnifying glass to select your home network and enter your password. click set after you made any changes.
Reset the printer should activate the new mode. the wifi module will fall back to access point mode if connection failed.
accessing the web GUI by typing the assigned IP address by your router, or use http://esp3d or whatever you set under "Hostname"
Note: Because the wifi module talks to the CPU via UART please make sure the Baud rate are the same at the CPU config and the ESP3D config, otherwise it will interfere with the comms channel and cause halt during print.
Do not activate network option in the CPU config file. It is for wired ethernet connection and will cause CPU to not boot up if enabled.