Question for anyone in the group that may be running the TinyFab hardware and running Marlin:
I have had success in getting Marlin configured and compiled using Visual Studio Code. All basic printer controls and features work except for one thing I can't seem to resolve. I can't get the printer to read either thermistor although I'm positive I have all the LPC1769 pins configured properly. Has anyone had this issue and/or have an idea of what I could check?
The link to my Cetus Marlin code is at this link

@safiahlbergOK but I just need properly software for cetus, I had just made my own cetus from parts. it looks like DIY, but it will works. czan you share a software compiled for your duet? I was looking on google where to download a compiled marlin and I get there your discusion.
Hi, Can some one share his marlin software for Cetus?
Maybe @ilium007 Would you be so kind and share?
This is just wonderful! I have managed to get the printer somewhat working, however I am stuck with a problem where the hotend can't be heated beyond 219 degrees. I try to set via GCode and receive an OK with the message that the target is 219 (even if i chose. a higher temp). I can't find any limitation in the firmware configuration, actually the HEATER_0_MAXTEMP is defined at 275. There seems to be something overriding the temperature setting above 219. Could this be related to ESP3D? I have the TinyFab CPU with WiFi support.
Any thoughts?
I got motivated today to pull my Cetus3D Mk II out today and upgraded to Marlin with BLTouch, TinyFab CPU and heatbed. All running beautifully!
If it helps, this is my thermistor table I built from measurements taken for the tinyfab heatbed
* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
* Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware []
* Based on Sprinter and grbl.
* Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
// Pt100 with LMV358 amp on TinyFab.xyx electronics
const temp_entry_t temptable_203[] PROGMEM = {
{ OV( 0), 0},
{ OV( 91), 30},
{ OV( 118), 40},
{ OV( 146), 50},
{ OV( 172), 60},
{ OV( 201), 70},
{ OV( 228), 80},
{ OV( 255), 90},
{ OV( 281), 100},
{ OV( 296), 105},
{ OV( 309), 110},
{ OV( 335), 120},
{ OV( 360), 130},
{ OV( 386), 140},
{ OV( 412), 150},
{ OV( 437), 160},
{ OV( 462), 170},
{ OV( 488), 180},
{ OV( 513), 190},
{ OV( 539), 200},
{ OV( 564), 210},
{ OV( 590), 220},
{ OV( 615), 230},
{ OV( 638), 240},
{ OV( 666), 250},
{ OV( 692), 260},
{ OV( 717), 270},
{ OV( 743), 280}
I defined my own thermistor table for the TinyFab heatbed for Marlin 2. I had Marlin 2.0.0 compiled and running on my Cetus3D printing production parts for 6 months or so but its been sitting gathering dust for a while now.
Small update - seems I'd initially misunderstood a few settings in Marlin, but it seems everything's in order now, at least on the motion side of things. I am going to test my settings with a (non-extended) MK3 and tinyfab heatbed, without a Z level probe. When I'm done with those tests I'll print my probe mount, try it with the probe and eventually upload the configs to a new repo. The one thing I'm most concerned about at this point is the thermistor readings - the heatbed and extruder readings are ~3 degrees apart at room temperature despite both using the PT100 afaict. Not sure how far they'll move apart on higher readings. I'm not equipped to debug that right now though, I don't have measuring equipment.
I seem to have gotten my heat bed and Z Max Endstop to work. Steps per millimeter are still way off though. @wsor8478 can you provide us with your runtime settings as well? Also would love to get the CPUs ESP8266 to work with a compatible ESP3D version, but that's kind of low priority at this point.
Just a quick work-in-progress update - I've compared wsor8478's changes with commit 648e7f73a528783b31014cf4719009b0d69deff4, turned them into a patch and applied it onto the 2.0.x branch of the Marlin repo. It compiles, but that's about all I can say about it at this point. I am going to have to figure out the correct settings for my setup next - I'm not using a Z-level probe, don't have the extended version and am using the tinyfab heated bed connected via the mainboard.
Got it. It was based on the code at this point
Looking through the code can I ask why you removed BOARD_TEENSY41 and BOARD_T41U5XBB in boards.h and pins.h ?
The best I can tell it looks like I downloaded the bug fix file on Sept 27, 2020
Again thank you for the effort ! Do you know the date of the "bug" you based your changes on ?
I've uploaded all my recent files to my Google drive:
All changes I made in Marlin include my initials in the comments //wes
@wsor8478 would you mind using an actual code repo for this? or maybe? It would make it much easier to maintain the code - we'd be able to see what was changed when and why, and you wouldn't have to reupload the whole folder. And I and others could lend a hand, too.
It keeps getting better, can't wait. Are you downloading the nightly "bug" from If so can you post this unmodified zip file also ?
Thanks, I used Marlin version “bug fix-2.0.x”. I’ll post my latest files tomorrow as I created a thermistor table for the hotend that is very accurate.
Top effort, I'd like to give it a try. Do you know what sha version this was based on so I can diff it to see your changes ?
Marlin files Google Drive Link:
Just a follow-up to my implementation of Marlin on one of my Cetus Printers. I've managed to get the printer working quite well using Marlin. I used the VS Code application along with to compile. If you are not familiar with VS Code I recommend viewing this video as it is very helpful: .
I've attached my current version of Marlin for the Cetus3D Extended printer I've implemented it on. I purchased an "As-Is" printer from Tiertime for this project. I really like UP Studio so I still have two Cetus printers running that. The TinyFab hardware is nicely designed and Jack is very helpful. I really think that Smoothieware implementation is not worth your time, I'm not a fan. Both take time and effort but with Marlin and the ability to re-compile easily and it's sophistication over Smoothieware makes the effort worthwhile. I'm using ABL with the Tinyfab inductive probe. I use the probe to home on the Z axis and at Z min, which I prefer.
Summary id some of my i
Bed Temp:
I initially was reading via the new main board at P0_24. The voltage follower amp circuit with the the voltage divider at the input produces the high temp readings in Marlin. Marlin reads the ports just fine but the attenuation of the thermistor voltage causes the high temp readings. I’m sure there is a way to correct in Marlin but I haven’t figured it out yet. I resolved by going back to the TinyFab Heatbed Driver board which dosent’t have the amplifier and using port P0_26. I then use thermistor table 1 in Marlin and all seems okay. Thermocouple temperature measurements so far indicate it's close enough but I will revisit.
Marlin selection for Bed
1 : 100k thermistor - best choice for EPCOS 100k (4.7k pullup)
Hotend temp:
The issue was the PT100 table I had selected in Marlin. The closest seems to be #201 but it’s still not accurate but at least it’s closer than all the others. I’m still working on this but have not created or located a good table for Marlin yet for the new main board and the PT100. Thermocouple temperature measurements so far indicate it's close enough but I will revisit. If anything it's measuring on the low side. I may build my own table unless I find something else someone has done.
Marlin selection for Hotend:
201 : Pt100 with circuit in Overlord, similar to Ultimainboard V2.x)
Printer hardware configuration:
Cetus3d MK3 Extended
TinyFab Main Board
TinyFab CPU
TinyFab Heatbed Driver (only for heatbed thermistor interface)
Cetus3d MK2 heatbed (because I have a couple, TinyFab thermistor added to bed)
TinyFab Inductive Probe (bracket per attached file)
Stock hotted (I use V2 on my other printers but this allows me to use hardware collecting dust)
Flex plate (magnetic base from TH3D, cut to fit with a Buildtak 200mm flex plate)
Oakwood coupling upgrades
Currently I use S3D to slice per attached .fff file.
Google Drive link to Marlin Files: